How to Run Your Business Using Gmail

-+*Cross-platform accessibility. Amazing reliability. High storage limits. These are just a few of Gmail’s awesome features. Did you know you can use Gmail to run your business? The email provider you (probably) know and love can handle your business account, too. Here’s how. Step 1: Get Your Email Set Up If you don’t already have[…]

User Experience

-+*User experience is what determines the success of any mobile application.  Having a friendly user face is crucial for an app with features that are making their debut. Sometimes apps are overlooked even though they have cutting edge technology, simply because they are difficult to navigate.  So how can you develop an application that attracts[…]

Innolance Offers Salesforce Customization

-+*Technology solutions provider, Innolance, announces Salesforce configuration and customization services for businesses. Salesforce is the number one customer relationship management (CRM) software in the world, and with good reason. In recent years it has expanded its offerings to include an impressive array of integrations with other services, as well as its own cloud platform and[…]

The Latest Smartwatch Trends

-+*  That might sound like a scene from the future or a science-fiction movie. But thanks to smartwatches, it’s no longer just fantasy. These tiny, wearable devices connect to your cell phone wirelessly. Then they let you do everything from making calls and browsing to taking pictures. Apple, Sony, and Samsung are just some of[…]

How long will your backup drive last?

-+*Hard disk lifespan is a common concern. After all, these drives often hold a wealth of data you don’t want to lose. How can you know how long yours will last? There are a couple of different kinds of backup drives. Most computer hard drives and larger external backup drives are hard disk drives. They[…]

Agile Methodology

-+*In the past development has followed a waterfall model, a chain of events, with minimal client involvement, which typically ends in dissatisfaction and confusion.  The old model has been replaced by agile methodology, a system that allows developers and clients to interact and collaborate throughout the development process.  Agile, allows developers to divide the project[…]

Protect Your WordPress Site from Attacks

-+*A website is a valuable asset in this day and age, and anything that’s valuable will have people who want to take it, exploit it, or destroy it. There are many ways to attempt to damage or gain access to a website, but the most common way is to try a brute force attack on[…]

The New Android 4.3 Jelly Bean

-+*Last year, Android released Jelly Bean, the latest version of their operating system, which included a buttery-smooth interface, downloadable Google Maps for off-grid navigating, and many other sweet features. This year they’ve rolled out an update, Jelly Bean 4.3. Their slogan is “Now Sweeter Than Ever!” which seems to be apt. Here are some of[…]