
startup blog

-+*During a campaign stop earlier today, Clinton said, “[the emails] belong to the State Department. So the State Department has to go through its process but as much as they can expedite that process, that’s what I’m asking them to do. Please move as quickly as they possibly can to get them out.” It’s not[…]


It’s All About Agile Development In Washington, DC

-+*Agile development. What is it, and why has the Washington, DC area-based Innolance chosen the Agile development process methodology for rapid delivery of high quality software?   Innolance is all about Agile development.   The Agile development methodology is, in a word, iterative.Overall risk is minimized, while frequent inspection, and constant adaptation are encouraged. Through[…]

Facebook Switches Default Privacy Setting to “Friends”

-+*  Last Thursday, Facebook made a historic decision to change the default sharing setting for new members, overturning a former 5-year decision.   Now, Facebook users will find their posts automatically changed from “public” to “friends”. New users who don’t set an audience for their first posts will, also by default, choose this set option.[…]

What are Business Intelligence Analytics?

-+*There’s a huge amount of information out there. It’s no secret a lot of it could impact your business. Of course, you need to be able to make sense of it. Otherwise you can’t stay on top of your business game. That’s where Business Intelligence Analytics come in. What are Business Intelligence Analytics, anyway? “Business[…]

Protect your WordPress Website from Attacks

-+*WordPress is a common platform for building and maintaining a website these days. It’s a powerful tool that many people love to use. The problem is that its popularity also makes it a favorite target for hackers.   How can you protect your WordPress site from attacks? Start by addressing some of these known vulnerabilities.[…]

User Experience

-+*User experience is what determines the success of any mobile application.  Having a friendly user face is crucial for an app with features that are making their debut. Sometimes apps are overlooked even though they have cutting edge technology, simply because they are difficult to navigate.  So how can you develop an application that attracts[…]

Innolance Offers Salesforce Customization

-+*Technology solutions provider, Innolance, announces Salesforce configuration and customization services for businesses. Salesforce is the number one customer relationship management (CRM) software in the world, and with good reason. In recent years it has expanded its offerings to include an impressive array of integrations with other services, as well as its own cloud platform and[…]

The Latest Smartwatch Trends

-+*  That might sound like a scene from the future or a science-fiction movie. But thanks to smartwatches, it’s no longer just fantasy. These tiny, wearable devices connect to your cell phone wirelessly. Then they let you do everything from making calls and browsing to taking pictures. Apple, Sony, and Samsung are just some of[…]

How long will your backup drive last?

-+*Hard disk lifespan is a common concern. After all, these drives often hold a wealth of data you don’t want to lose. How can you know how long yours will last? There are a couple of different kinds of backup drives. Most computer hard drives and larger external backup drives are hard disk drives. They[…]