Application Advantages On iOS and Android OS

Today there are over a million different applications available for mobile devices.  Mobile technology and application development have rapidly advanced in a short amount of time and are continuing to grow.  There are developers all over the world who are getting into the mobile development action.  The main two operating systems (OS) an app can be developed on are the iOS or Android OS.  Obviously for the best results developers will want to create an app that will be available on both the Android Market and the Apple App Store, but this will also mean that the app must be implemented in two different programming languages.  Although there are tools for multi-platform application development, in order to ensure that an app is displaying its information correctly on two different platforms it is best to use the original language that is intended for the particular OS.  To help decide what OS you may want an app to be built on, here are a few pros and cons of both Android and iOS.


Android OS

  • Apps are developed using Java which is a popular language and for a lot of developers is an easy language to understand.
  • Allows developers to develop apps on multiple application development platforms giving developers the freedom to utilize a variety of different functions and tools.
  • The Google Play Store is a lot more accepting and lenient for developers to send and upload apps onto the market.


  • Apps are developed using Objective C which can give the app a higher performance than an app implemented in java.
  • Once an app is created for the iOS, the app can be used on almost all Apple mobile products, whereas Android is fragmented, meaning each device has its own unique specifications and an app may not work on all devices.
  • Apps on iOS are much easier to make a high quality design since Apple has a longer history with design than Google that was originally a search engine.

As you can see there are ups and downs for developing apps on both OS.  Honestly the decision is left to the developer.  If you prefer programming in objective C, testing on only one device,  and design quality then iOS is the better choice.  If you prefer Java, a little more freedom, and an easier application development platform then you may want to develop with Android OS.   Either way both OS are dominating on the market over Windows and Blackberry.