Are you Left Brained or Right Brained?

By now everyone is aware that the brain is more than one big lump of gelatinous mass. There is a left and right half of the brain.  Each hemisphere is said to control specific functions and is more dominate over the other.  Is there a trend for success for one side of the brain or the other?


There is no right or wrong answer for which side of the brain you use. It the same as being more dominate with your left hand instead of your right hand. It’s different, but still works basically in the same way. A person who is “left-brained” is known to be more logical, and analytical. These would include subjects like language, critical thinking and logic. Professionals that are left brained could work as a lawyer, banker or mathematician.


A person who is “right-brained” is said to be more intuitive, thoughtful and subjective. Subjects of right brained people are said to be more creative, imaginative and thoughtful. The right brain tends to be more visual. A person that is right brained could have a profession as an Actor/Actress, Musician or Politician these are usual occupations for people that are right brain dominate.


In recent studies they say that the brain works best when the both halfs work together. Certain task may require a more right side approach and same goes for the left, but like in math people use both left and right brains to solve problems.  Each person is different in the way they think. If one person is good at algorithms  and the other is better at drawing each has the strengths, but neither is less intelligent because they do better in a different subject. So what side of the brain are you? Is it hard for you to tell? Here is a little test to see which side you are.