Managing stress at work place.

Stress at work is one of the leading causes of health and psychological problems today especially in these downside times of economy.  There is a major difference between challenges and stress when it comes to profession. People enjoy challenges , though it may require some hard work it gives pleasure and satisfaction. It doesnot drain your energy or mood. Stress on the other hand is an hinderance to success. It can cause emotional issues like loss of interest , social withdrawal , family issues , temper , frustrations  or physical problems like high pressure backaches , stomach problems and many other.

There are a number of ways one can cope with this stress at work  . Though many of us know  all this , it doesnt occur to us to try them. It stays as one of those problems that has solutions but one doesnt try out. It may be hard to ask somebody to quit such jobs and try a new one especially due to financial reasons but there are other alternatives to relieve this stress at work place .

One of the best solutions to relieve stress of any kind is walking away from the situation . Now at work place this is not often possible but one can always walk away for a short while. Give some time to yourself. Get some air. This doesnt mean go out and smoke. Smoking will only increase your problems . Go for a walk at your luch time . This gives relaxation to both body and mind. Also perspiration is a great stress reliever. It can alleviate your mood and give you lot of energy to think straight. Go for some work out after work hours.

Sometimes being alone for a while relieves lot of stress.  Find some clean place like a beach or park or view some pleasant sight or listen to some music after work hours .  All this doesnt require lot of time . Five minutes may be all that you need.

Do something that you enjoy like going for a drive or knitting or reading.

Some jobs demand more work time and going for work outs may not be an option. In such cases relax your mind closing your eyes by breathing in deeply and slowly exhaling for atleast five minutes. 

Sleep well. This relaxes your mind and gives you lot of energy.

To relieve stress the best way is to focus on the cause of stress. Prioritise the issues. Is it really worth all the stress?Is it something you can sort by talking to someone or getting help. Never accept more work load then you actually can deliver. Talk to your boss if thats an option. Due to the increased lay offs there are lot of places where the works usually done by three or four people are now served by fewer.  This leads to more pressure workload and time constraints. In these situations prioritising the tasks helps greatly. Get help from friends and let go of ego. 

Sometimes a good laugh helps relieve all tension.

A clean environment is a great stress reliever.  Organise your stuffs. Dress up well . Give some time to pamper yourself .

 Good communication and healthy relationships with coworkers is yet another important factor when  it comes to work. There should be no place for ego . Give your best to any work .  Negetivity and worrying will not lessen your problems instead result in more problems .

 Always remember, things may go wrong but its not the end of anything. After all everyday is a new day!  Expect for the best and give in your best!

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