Most Used Apps on Facebook

Since 2004 Facebook has dominated the internet. With over 500 million users and 250 daily users, Facebook is a titan among websites. Facebook is just second behind Google.  Facebook’s original purpose was to connect people, but now it has gotten so large and so popular that Facebook is used in many different ways. There is something to satisfy everyone likes.


Facebook was just a tool to connect you with your long lost friends, family or acquaintances when it first started out. Now Facebook provides the tools to let you connect anything to anyone.  There are thousands of applications running through Facebook.  Anything you could possibly think of there is a high chance that Facebook has an App for it. From videos to pictures to games, Facebook allows you to connect with people through these different applications.


Connecting on Facebook and importing these concepts into apps makes it so you can easily assimilate with other people that have common interests. I believe that Facebook is an App in itself with a bunch of sub-Apps. It is accessible from anywhere by using your smartphone, iPad, Tablets or by a computer. All you have to do is create and account and it will show you the steps on how to use it. Facebook is Quick, Easy, Simple and very fun and very entertaining. Which apps are your favorite?


These are some of the most used Apps on Facebook:

  • Words With Friends- a Game that is played between friends and is like scrabble
  • Groupon- Coupon hunters paradise
  • InstaGram-  take pictures and share them instantly
  • Song Pop-  Trivia Game
  • Pinterest- Photographs and share and link common interests and topics
  • iHeart Radio- Internet based radio station

Businesses around the world are also using Facebook, but for more than just Apps and connecting. Social Media is the hot way to advertise your business and Facebook is the number 1 tool for doing so. It’s free and easy to use and there are millions of people waiting to view company information. It is a free webpage that promotes your company and lets people communicate with you and your business and it allows you to keep the public up to date on what your business is doing. . It’s a great form of advertising and it’s considered to be one of the best ways to market your company. There are over 500 million users and 250 million daily users it almost impossible to not know or connect with anyone. Facebook is a growing company and with its giant sized network it is a great tool for everyone to use.