iMac is Back and Better than ever

*+-iMac computers have been around since the 1990’s. They have continually pushed the boundaries of technology for desktops  computers. This new iMac computer will revolutionize the way desktops are made. It will incorporate new hardware, software, and new architecture that enhances the users experience and increases the computers performance.   Apple has continually provided new,[…]

Zipcar for Scooters and SmartPhones

*+-The fight for better green technology is an ongoing battle. In San Francisco, a local company has devised a way to move about the city that is cheaper than taxis, cars, busses and its technology helps with the environment with less greenhouse gas emission.  The ZipCar for scooters is new way for San Franciscans to[…]

IOS Programming gets a Boost.

*+- Technology is an ever changing thing. We have created a world where smart devices will consume our lives.  iOS is a smart device. It uses the programming language called Objective-C. It was created almost 30 years ago. It was developed at the same time as C++  was and they both have been used as programming[…]