Tylted’s GameDrop Server has been released.

Mobile Apps and Games control most of the activity on smartphones.  People all over are playing and using apps on their phones and this leaves room for ad real-estate. GameDrop was released by Tylted as integration, ad based platform that provides an in-app gaming overlay.


Tylted has partnered with Pandora and several other companies regarding this new technology.  Here is how it works. They integrate their HTML server with existing app servers.  GameDrop allows them to see spare inventory and then GameDrop places a game from their own network in that available area. The game does not cancel the existing app screen; it just has an over lay so you can do 2 things at once.


I think this a great idea for them. The idea of having a game on the app and running the 2 apps at the same time is pretty genius.  These type ads used to take you to a whole new screen and you would have to download and play them. Now they don’t do any of that and allow you to still listen o ur favorite tunes and play a game at the same time.


GameDrops technology is not only great for the games, but gives the power and ideas to advertising world. It will change the way we see pop ups on apps and games.  It works on all platforms such as iPhone and Android .The ad space will be great for game developers for any platform. Tylteded have thoroughly tested this product and have gotten good feedback and are expanding this concept.