Black Friday and Apps 2012

Every year, just after Thanksgiving an event takes place called Black Friday. Retail stores all across the United States lower their prices and have tremendous savings on quality products. This event causes a shopping apocalypse for people all over the US.


Black Friday is a planned, well thought-out, and hectic day for shoppers. People line up, camp and wait outside stores so they can get to the best sales before everyone else. It is a big deal in the US and stores take advantage of this very well-known day. Stores plan on opening earlier than normal like Best Buy, which is opening at 12 am that day. Stores hand out ticket vouchers for certain, high priority items. This is the biggest shopping day of the year, so tie your shoes, get your coat and head lets go.


The top places to go for Black Friday are limitless.  If you are a dedicated shopper you will make the way to your top stores. Best Buy, Target and Wal-Mart are top for everyone’s places to visit this day. Some places like sears and K-mart open before Black Friday to get a head start on the day of crazy shopping.  Online shopping is another to help with the hustle and bustle of Black Friday. Instead of having to wait in ridiculous lines or fight your best friend for the last iPod on the shelf, you can go online and shop from home. There are deals that are leaked online before magazines and newspapers, so check it out.  Online views will give you at least a plan of attack for your one day shopping Bonanza.


There are many Black Friday Apps that will help you navigate around your shopping schedule.

  • List Bliss– gives users the ability to synch their lists for free, in real-time. If you are part of a tag-team, the function means you won’t accidentally buy two of the same item.
  • Zoomingo- lets shoppers get a jump start and find all the best deals locally with a searchable catalog of pre-Black Friday sales from all the national retailers. Shoppers can create a “Watch List” of items they are planning to buy with their Pinterest account or from Zoomingo’s curated Watch N’ Save section. The app automatically sends a notification when the item goes on sale.


Black Friday discounts are widely known and sought after. Some places offer up to 75% discount for certain products. Best Buy this year is offering a 40 inch flat screen for 179.00 with a savings of 240. That is huge!! Other retail vendors are doing the same with a variety of products and you will need to do some research to see which you are going to buy.


Black Friday is dangerous. Be careful driving, buying, and selling things can get out of hand quick. Be sure to check out the latest deals in the most popular retail stores and go online to plan your day. Happy Hunting!